Sunday, July 11, 2010

To flirt or not to flirt???

Do you feel it is wrong for you or your significant other to flirt?

To flirt or not to flirt???
Flirting is one of the joys of being a human being with a sense of humor and playfulness. Anyone who feels they should have to crush such a wonderful side of their personality simply to not offend a loved one is headed for unhappiness in their relationship.

Now just be clear, flirting is not the same thing as actively trying to seduce people. Flirting is simply expressing a part of your personality. Infidelity and cheating is a far far far cry from flirting, and the two have nothing to do with each other.

If I fell in love with a flirtatious woman who was unafraid of expressing her playful nature, how awful would it be for me to turn around and come down on her for flirting? And why would I want to change someone I loved?

The problem is that a lot of people include things under the definition of 'flirting' that is not flirting but rather disrespectful sexual advances. That comes under a whole different category.
Reply:depends..unintentional flurting that leads absolutely no were is ok (in my opinion) BUT flurting with some1 that you know you wanna take to bed, its not ok (in my opinion)..good luck..
Reply:I've researched this one to no end and there seems to be two camps. Those who feel it's ok because flirting is part of human nature and those in the other camp who feel it's wrong if you are in a committed relationship.

My belief is that if I'm single it's ok, if I'm in a serious relationship or married then it's not ok. My justification for this is quite simple. If I'm happy with my relationship and why should i be flirting with someone else. I also feel it can be very hurtful for the other party when there sig other is flirting.
Reply:Yes, I feel any flirting he might be doing should be with me. I don't flirt with anybody except for him.
Reply:we all do consciously or unconscioulsy, it is innocent, unless you want it to lead to something else.
Reply:With each other, or with someone else? I'm going to assume you mean with someone else. No, I don't think it's wrong to flirt, as long as it's within reasonable bounds. My boyfriend is in theatre, and he's very naturally flirtatious. He sometimes feels guilty because he inadvertantly flirts with girls (especially in his dance class) and he doesn't mean to lead them on. But as long as nothing comes of it, it doesn't bother me.

As for me, I flirt a little bit and check guys out. It doesn't bother my boyfriend, and it's something we both giggle about later. As long as the relationship is built firmly on trust, and both parties understand what's going on, I don't think flirting is wrong.

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