I saw a woman for the past 9 months. She lied to me about her past and when she told me the truth, I took her to God and I am convinced she is a Christian. I have forgiven her for not telling the truth about her past, but she also flirted with 2 guys while we were going out. The problem I have now is the following: My brain tells me that it is impossible to flirt with someone while you truly love someone else. I am now worried that she never truly loved me, and that there is no way that she will be able to leave me now, because of all the hurt she put me though. And at the same time, if she leaves me, she will have to explain her past to the new boy friend again. I saw her today and it was great, because we didnt talk about the flirting problem, but inside it haunts me to death, wondering if she is with me because the loves me, or because to her I am such a strong support that can, with the help of God, help her through anything.
Is it possible to flirt with people while you truly love someone, how come?
I am wondering what it was she lied about. If it was that she cheated on you or someone else, proceed with caution. Listen to your gut and any red flags that come up. It seems to me that that was what it was about. I could be wrong. If it was something not relating to that, then I'd not get too freaked out, that is if you consider flirting as just acting kinda giddy around another guy. Sometimes that sneaks up on people and they don't even know they are doing it. But still, make sure she knows it bothers you, and if she does it again, then it's time to move on I think. Even if it's an unconcious flirt, it's still hurting you.
Reply:I think you can flirt with people when you're in an amazing relationship IF the person you love isn't there. When I'm in a great relationship, I can't help myself to flirt at parties where hes not there, because I kind of miss(?) him for some reason. But if he is there, I wouldn't bother flirting with anyone else because hes there.
Reply:well she might be with you because of both those reasons but i think you can flirt and still be love with someone else as long as thats as far as it goes then theres no need to be worried so for now stop worry and enjoy your time with each other
good luck
Reply:Jealousy is a deadly sin and you should be asking God to give you the strength to let go of the past and just live for the present.
Some people just have flirty personalities. That does not mean she doesn't love you.
I think if anything ruins your relationship it will not be her flirting or her past, but your jealousy and inability to let go. She probably didn't tell you about her past because she knows you are jealous and controlling.
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