Sunday, July 11, 2010

How to flirt with a friend??!?

in one of my recent questions i was saying that i was having feelings for this girl who i am good friends with. alot of you said i should try flirting with her and not to ask her straight away to make sure she feels the same way. how do i flirt with a friend?!

How to flirt with a friend??!?
talk with her more and make eye contact...smiling more when you see her also helps too...when you talk you can joke about sexual topics but keep it don't want to scare her off but you want to see what's she's like if she's gonna be uptight or cool and relaxed....there are a bunch of other good ideas that others have mentioned in their answers as well...if you take at least one thing from what everyone had to say about this then you should be in pretty good standing.
Reply:joke about sex. If she says "im bored" say "lets have sex" or something
Reply:Go to a football game with her.
Reply:well...when i tried dating a friend it didn't go well but if you wanna try, just be carefull to not take it so far that if you break up you can't still be friend... so how do you flirt?? well, istead of just being how you usually are, start asking her to hang out more, or if it's usually with friends just hang out alone sometimes, send her smiles and look into her eyes for a while so she know's you are looking at HER... do caring things and go out of your way to show her you like her
Reply:my advice is to take it steady with her. don't rush her into things. just make nice little comments, about her, and how she looks. also make sure you look her in the eye. always works! just remember to take things slow, you dont want to put your friendship on the line! anyway, ....good luck! x x x
Reply:sameway you do with any girl. say flirty thing, compliment her, after i while grab her *** or something, and ask her out
Reply:Try to talk her more often n make eye contact.You should call her n eat lunch together.Maybe have a little tinkle fight with her n say jokes.
Reply:Hug her a little longer then what is considered socially acceptable for friends and keep telling her all things you like about her. If she doesn't get it you maybe barking up the wrong tree.
Reply:yes thats what u got to do and when you feel it is right just go in for the move!!!
Reply:stare at her sweetly..

get out of your way to do her a favor..

cook for her..


flash your best smile..

compliment her..

thank her for making your day or making you smile..

help her in every simple way you can..

give importance to her..

give her call or send her messages..

tell her honest feelings like:

You make me happy.

You make me nervous.

You are amazing.
Reply:Make joking suggestions!

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