Sunday, July 11, 2010

How does someone flirt?

Some people say I flirt a lot with guys. What is flirting? How do you flirt? Any tips or tricks?

How does someone flirt?
Just be easy and put out. Guys don't really care must for flirting. Good luck
Reply:just exprime what you feel
Reply:they flirt by staring at the crush for while. And maybe move there eyelashes fastly.
Reply:If people say dat u flirt, then u should know how 2 flirt. So stop wasting 5 pts.
Reply:Flirting is suggesting that you find a guy attractive and want to be with him.
Reply:When a woman for instance flirts with a Man, she will approach him frequently with smiles, and giggles and sometimes touch him on the shoulder while laughing and so on. She continues to pour it on until he realizes that she is trying to tell you she likes you, but not actually come out and say it.

Then he makes a move and asks her out and she diligently say;s yes.

The rest is history and if he likes what he just got, it could last for a very long time until the the mood switches from fun to serious relationships...oh no , are you a victim of the female supreme crushed into your heart through sex....whatcha gonna get is Jezebel,
Reply:smile a lot,wear sexy clothes,tease a lot,and give sexy looks
Reply:no. its instincts. watch animal channel .. human is almost same as flies, monkeys, or bears..

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