Sunday, July 11, 2010

Do you flirt with people you're not interested in,?

people youre not attracted to?

I find that I usually flirt with people I want to reciprocate, so I only flirt with those that catch my attention.

Do you flirt with people you're not interested in,?
I will never flirt with anyone I do not like. thats rubbish and time consuming. There are so many hot people out there.
Reply:i dont flirt with people i dont like. I mean if you dont like them y flirt with them they might not even be worthit
Reply:No, I have to be interested to flirt.
Reply:I don't flirt ever. I'm totally matter of fact. My player friend flirts with every female from 2-100 that he comes in contact with. Pretty disgusting how well that works for him. Guess I give women too much credit for intelligence.

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