So yeah, I'm guessing I could meet a lot of girls at work. Customers ONLY of course. I work the register at a restaurant and somethings cute girls will come up and be all smiling at me and stuff. I always smile back and be nice but how are some ways I can actually flirt and show I may actually be interested? I'm not much of a flirter. And yes, I do realize some of these girls that are smiling may not feel the same way, but I just wanna know how I can initiate the whole flirting process.... Thanks yall.
Should I flirt with customers at work....and how?....?
I would flirt a little and if they start flirting back then go ahead and flirt with them more.
Reply:Buy them drinks
Reply:yeah u should
Reply:you shouldnt.
they could be taken and
you wouldent want to mess
wit there man
Reply:First off all you should only flirt if you know this girl is going to take intrest in you. but when it comes to the flirt bi ti can help you there cause i dont know how to flirt myself LoL
wisdom teeth
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